
Joined: September 23, 2004
Last Seen: 7 years
user id: 14161
People call me Sara
I've been a member of witty for 9 years !
I'm 23 years old
I have 2 kids &
 an amazing boyfriend.
Moved 500 miles from my small town home
To the awesome city of Pittsburgh.
*I couldn't be happier*


Quotes by oxhugitchxo

I'm re-assessing my life and trying to put the past behind me
I'm just gonna worry about what the future is gonna bring me
love him, and I always will, but it's time for me to do what I need to do
to make me happy.

I'm so depressed and lonely
I don't know what to do
My heart feels like it's breaking
Into more pieces than just two
At one time I was sure
That this would last forever
But now things are getting worse
And I can't make it any better
I wish I had the heart
To tell you how I feel
But hurting you would kill me
And that I couldn't bare
I will always love you
Understand it's true
This is very hard to say
It makes me feel so blue
Always feeling helpless
Striving to survive
I know that you still love me
And it makes me want to cry
We can't show our emotions
The way that we once had
Forever isn't that long
Forever turned out bad

Forever doesn't exsist

Forever is just the end.

It's not that great but I did make it up in like 10 min.
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