
Joined: January 16, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 346543
Gender: F

pandagirl101's Favorite Quotes

Earth without art is just eh
Commas save live
let's eat gramma.
let's eat, gramma.



That is how long I have been here.
I joined Witty my freshman year of high school and now I am a senior. Witty has seen me through all of my heartbreak. Heartbreak that, as much as it hurt, I would give back for anything. I am a stronger and better person because of it. In a few months I will be turning 18. I will be an adult. In August, I will be heading off to Marist College and be living on my own for the first time in my life.
Here is my advice to you girls and boys: HOLD ON TO THESE YEARS! Before you know it, you will be all grown up and unable to take them back. I wouldn't change a single thing in my life and I have no regrets, but I still can't believe that my childhood is officially ending as I make my way into the real world.
I'm not sure how long I will continue to use Witty after I graduate, but I will certainly pop in every now and then. I have to thank everyone here thought for being her for me through the years. I love you all ♥



I am who I am. You have to take me for me.
-Harry Styles
That awkward moment when your signing up to a website and they ask you to fill in a code to check if your human and your a unicorn...


One direction were in africa for charity work
they will be releasing their charity single cover called
'One way or another'

When you walked in to Middle school on the first day did life hit you over the head with a brick telling you to wake uo and smell the B.O? Did that happen to anyone?????
we all have that one stupid friend that we're sure is going to either, go to jail, break something or themselves.
There is a girl I know who has

some disability problems, not

severely but she is different.

Nobody talks to her unless

their teasing her, I stand up for

her, but no one cares, but I do.

She is my friend. so no one

should go bullying her like that.

The people that do that to her

have no right to do what

do to her. So if you think of

bullying someone thats

different think of how they feel