
Status: I've summed up life in three words: It goes on<3
Joined: August 24, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 327192
Gender: F

Quotes by quotestoinspire


Chapter 3

    Nervously, I opened up the text. Brooke said, "I went over Noelles to kick her a//s about talking to u and I found a fb chat open with u. WTF! stay away from the Plastics, Noelles out, u can have her. Idk why shes talking to a lowlife like u. just go kill urself only Noelle can tolerate u. gosh. bye."  I guess she didn't know I was gonna take her advice seriously.
     I slid back to the floor, picking up the razor and scraping my wrist. I now had five, and to me, that wasn't enough, so I put another down. I watched the sticky substance pour out of the cuts, down into my hand, underneath my finger nails. I cried at how painful it was, but it felt so...so good. I felt freer. The pain went away.
     A sigh escaped my throat after the blood stopped. A smile was plastered to my face, happiness flowing through me. Happiness at my new cuts. I now could classify myself as depressed. The smile faded, and I stood up to wash off the razor and wrist. I watched as my blood dripped down the sink and off my wrist. I sighed, looking at the two new marks on my wrist.
     I picked up my phone and answered Brooke. "uhmm, im uncomfortable with u saying stuff to me..stop please. im done. its been what, four months? u need and i mean NEED to knock it off. ugh i havent been handling this well so stop. i cant take it." We were using iMessage so it went fast.
     Brooke was angry. "B//tch dont tell me what to do. Im not stopping thats hilarr. I will not deal with this. Ill do wat i want and everyone thinks its funny to torment u lol. If u cut that would be even funnier ahah! I think u should start to cut. Everyone would laugh. Next step--suicide! LOL that would be awesome right. Do it."
     My blood boiled..I was mad. "im considering it you b//tch!"
     "No you're not. We all know you aren't. Lol that must mean you cut don't you. Haaahahahaha!! Lemme see em in school tomorrow. Thts so funny." A tear fell from my right eye, pouring down my cheek.
     I replied fast. "gunna be funny when im dead isnt it?"
     She beat me to it. "YESS! Lol hilarr. I wont feel bad. I did this all to be popular, and when ur gone, i can do this to someone else. ahaha."
     To someone else?

Hey:D Five readers:) Thank you so much. Would you try to spread this for me? Get the word out about bullying? New chapter tomorrow night--comment to be notified.


Chapter 2

     I breathed heavily in my room that night, the tears streaming down my face. I was reading my Facebook, looking at comments left on my wall. They were all negative, mostly about how smart I was. That and how I used barely any makeup and how that wasn't "socially acceptable" at my school. I think they were all mad that I looked pretty without make up. I mean, I kinda thought I was pretty. Now due to all the comments, I thought different.
     Noelle had friended me on Facebook, which was new. The Plastics didn't friend a lot of people. I felt like Noelle was getting distant from them, maybe tired of them, that's probably why she made that kind gesture to me.
     Another comment appeared, this time from Brooke. It read, "Man, does it suck to be you. Lol, all these people hate you. I think I'm the biggest hater. You wish you could be popular. You'll never get that, you moron. You are so ugly without makeup, and anyone who says your beautiful is lying. You are hideous. Lmao! And with how many sports you're involved in? Dude your freak athlete its weird. And your grades. Lol there too good. Kk we all hate you, go die. Byee!<3" Tears fell after reading the whole thing. I went to her wall, and wrote, "You're* they're* it's*."
     I noticed I had a chat. I wiped the tears away, noticing it was from Noelle Beazer. She asked, "Audrey Wright? Are you ok?" I think she really cared. I decided to answer quickly, then end the chat session. But that wasn't her idea.
     "Yea I guess.."-Me
     "You don't seem it..I can't stand Brooke, obviously. I can't stand any of them. She thinks you're perfect, you know. That's why she puts you down. It's true, you are. You are so much better than her and she hates that fact. Listen, I have to go, but I'll let you know I've been trying to escape the Plastics for about a month. It's not easy. Oh well. Bye!" -Noelle
     "Oh..okay talk to you in school."-Me.
     So she liked me. I still wasn't over the fact that the entire school had something against me-though it made absolutely no sense. I sighed and shut down my computer, feeling the need to cut again. I walked into the bathroom and sat on the floor, grabbing the razor that was on the counter. My stomach flipped, but my heart told me to do it.
     The razor was barely an inch from my skin when my phone went off, on the counter. There was always time to cut, so I put the razor down and checked my messages.
     It was from Brooke.

Hey! So I see I have 5 readers. Would you please try to spread my story? I'd like people to see what they do to people when they bully. Don't worry, the ending may surprise you! It's not going to be a sad ending--or will it? You won't know unless you keep reading! So link people to my first chapter and see how it goes(: Thanks for the support<3


Chapter 1

     I ran to the bathroom stall, ready to break down in tears. Holding them back, I sniffled and the waterworks started. Bullying wasn't the only reason I was like this. I had family problems at home, mostly my mom coming home every night at around twelve and waking up to leave for work at five. The other problem was my dad. He was a drunk and beat my brother Sam and me most nights. In school, a girl named Brooke would always harass me. It was something new every day. Usually something like "Go kill yourself." And to tell you the truth, I was considering taking her "advice".
     After about two minutes of sobbing, I stopped. I rolled up my right sleeve, revealing four cut lines that stung. I'd began to cut two days ago because crying just wasn't enough for me. It didn't relieve all my stress, so I dug out the razor and started to cut. It didn't hurt too bad for me, it feels like you're cutting your problems away. And that's exactly what I loved to do.
     It sounded awful, enjoying the sight of blood pouring down your arm and into your hand. The sticky substance was easy to wash away, but the cuts were not so much. I hid them all that I could, but spring was nearing, and that meant short sleeves. Nobody knew about the cuts, not even my best friend, and even she stayed distant from me. And my twelve year old sister picked on me, but if she knew about the cuts, she'd stop.
     I rubbed at  my cheeks, seeing my mascara had started to run. That meant my eyes must've  been red. I unlocked the stall and hobbled over to the mirror, wiping the tears and pulling out my tube of mascara. Suddenly, I heard the click of heels on the tile floor, and turned to see Brooke with one of the girls in her plastic group, Noelle.
     Brooke gave me a wicked smile as I placed my mascara on the counter. "Hey Noelle, look what we've got here," she laughed. Noelle said nothing back, just stared at the floor. Brooke elbowed her, and she looked up at me. She had a sympathetic look in her eyes, not one that any of the Plastics had ever given me. "Audrey, Audrey, Audrey." I cringed as she spoke my name.
     "What do you want, Brooke?" I snapped, picking up my make up and putting it in my bag. I didn't want to let her get to me, so I decided to talk back for once. I knew that wouldn't hold me for long, but I'd at least give it a shot. I zipped my Coach purse and looked into her evily blue eyes.  They had a gleam of evil in them, and I didn't like that.
     She placed her purse on the counter next to me. "Nothing. I just wanted to ask... Where'd you get your hair done? They'll be on my list of places not to go. How about you, Noelle? Did you hear that Audrey was caught kissing Ben? I flipped when I heard that one. How was kissing Ben, Audrey? Was that nice?"
     She was making stuff up. "Um, Brooke? Yeah, I never kissed him. He's marked your 'territory', isn't he? No one smart would go near him right now." I commented, shaking my hair. "Listen, I don't have time for your bull. I'm out." I grabbed my bag and walked toward the door. As I was walking, Brooke stuck her foot out and tripped me.
     She was hysterical laughing while Noelle extended a hand to help me get up. I took it, but Brooke smacked it away. "What do you think you're doing, you idiot!?" Brooke snarled at Noelle, delivering a punch to her stomach. Noelle cringed, falling back onto the floor. I stood up, dusting off my shirt. She looked me in the eyes. "What are you doing, touching that...that thing!?"
     I felt the tears well up, streaming down my face. She used the word "thing" to refer to me. That was absolutely painful to me. I couldn't take this anymore.

Hiya:) So I'm going to write a story on this account about bullying. I want people to see how it feels, what someone in a depressed situation goes through. It's miserable. Though I've never been through this, I know people who have, and how it is. So please read this for me. When I get at least three faves I'll make chapter two. Hope you like,

you should never give up
your  weakest point.