
Joined: March 31, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 288086


I'm Ana. Josh Ramsay is the deffiniton of perfection. If you don't know who that is,
then you should go and find out.10-20-11 makes me smile. I'm way too awkward
and I laugh at my own jokes... I laugh too much in general. I'm with my iPod way
more than I'm with my boyfriend, sometimes I even like it more... Don't tell him I
said that. I like turtles a lot. That's all. Let's be bestfriends ok.


Quotes by sayanythingx

People say "I wish he'd do this, I wish he'd do that for me"
It's always about what you want him to do...
for you.
He was never perfect to begin with, 
But if you "Loved" him, liked him

You'd deal with it
Love is beautiful when it's real
No matter how many imperfections.

Me: Hey, wanna do something tonight?
Friend: I already have plans, sorry:/
Me: Lol wrong person, woops.

I wouldn't change a thing about us.

We're not perfect, but love doesn't have to be.We fight, we cry, we mess up...Together. Maybe you're a little selfish, but so am I. Sometimes we get a little fed up with eachother, and sometimes we joke around way too much. Some people say you're no good for me, and that I can do better... I don't want anybody better. So you can keep me all to yourself, and I'll to keep you all to myself. 


That One Friend
who always makes everything you say sound so sexual

Josh Ramsay...
You sir, you're perfect