
Joined: June 29, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 114259
heey my name's Sharon. I'm from Connecticut, USA.
here's alittle about me;;
ilove basketball & rap music.
my favorite artiist is eminem.
i'm 13 years old.
ilove going to the beach, shopping, and hanging with friiends.
once you get to know me im pretttyyy crazzy;;
but if you dont know me i can be shhy.
my parents are divorced but i still see both of them.
ilove my friends, but if you turn on me- i turn on you.
if you mess with me i can be a complete bitch, but most of the time im really nice. 
if you wanna know anything else comment on my page or 
formspring me at
single and ready to mingle♥

Quotes by sharonlynnxx3

those hot guys...
you wish you knew

Looking ababpictures...
and thinking "damn i was an ugly child.."

 n m f - m q


i never had height ;
but boy do i got heart .
-Lil Wayne

I say what I say ,
I do what I what I do.
There is no in-between ,
people will either love you for it ,
or hate you for it.

& Does Anyone Else
[hate it when people write 'ewww im so ugly' on a picture & the put it up ANYWAYS?]

Don't You Hate It When
[someone asks you 'so how was your day?' .. ]


The Awkward Moment
[when you randomly start laughing in class and everyone looks at you.]

When I die;

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather did;

not screaming;

 like the passengers in his car. ♥


hey so im doing a survey...

eminem or mac miller ?
 ♥ for eminem.
comment for mac miller.



Boy: "I love you."
Girl: "I love you too."
Boy: "Oh, I was talking to my xbox."
Girl: "-_-"

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