
Joined: December 27, 2014
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 388765
I am a very intense passionate person to the point that I am almost obnoxious about it lol. I am constantly thinking, analyzing and evolving. My mind never shuts up and I go deep. I go deeper than most are too scared to go. Music is my therapy and I would die without it. Reading quotes, poems and lyrics is my favortie hobby. Acting out quotes from my favorite movies is a pastime of mine. Some of the things I post will be my words and some will be my favorite words, quotes, poems and lyrics by others. I am sharing a huge piece of my soul and I hope you enjoy.

Quotes by sinfulbynature

 A person who always plays victim ruins their own potential. When we never accept our own personal responsibility for our current circumstances we greatly handicap our power to change them.
 It irks me so bad to see women tear each other down or make fun of their imperfections. Especially when it's not instigated and there's no reason for it. I think when women do that they are intimidated and feel the need to bring you down below their level. They are the ones that really seek clarification and justification from others and when they see that you are completely ok and comfortable with who you are it makes them jealous and they feel threatened so they attack. I am self made. I am confident in who I am and I love to make another women feel beautiful. I enjoy making others feel good about themselves in general. So the next time you see a woman trolling another woman, feel sorry for her. It must be sad to have to stress yourself coming up with words that will hurt someone else. And for the women getting attacked...just ignore them. The quieter you remain the more desperate and louder they will get. In the end they will be the ones looking stupid. Not you
For all those young girls out there that try to do everything perfect for a guy who they think is their "everything" but yet he still doesnt value them like he should...leave and let your motivation be knowing that one day while he's living a life of regret your life will be filled with happiness just because of this realization.
 When you are kids you see your parents as super heros. They provide everything. That make everything possible. Then you see age take a toll on them and see their weakness and realize that even tho they were dealing with all the things they hid from you cause you were a child they still managed to give you the unconditional love that made you feel like when you were in their presence you were in the safest place in the world. It's when you finally realize your parents were actually human too that you truly appreciate them and what all they have sacrificed for you. This doesnt come home to you until you are older. So for all the young mothers with young kids one day it will finally come home to you and all those thankless jobs you did for your children out of love will in return be your biggest blessings when they get older and let you know that now they see the bigger picture.
IT'S SUNDAY, EASTER SUNDAY........ all Hope was NOT lost. Death DID NOT win. Sin DID NOT conquered. Satan is NOT just a laughing NOW! It's SUNDAY~The waiting is over, the final fulfillment HAS taken place.The tomb IS NO LONGER sealed, it is EMPTY, NO more guards standing watch, the disciples are no longer confused,they are not waiting, despairing, hoping.They have seen the Messiah!
How can I fix the damage I've done
I swore I'd never be what I've become
Somehow if I could just make my kids see
That this was not the mom I meant to be
All I've ever wanted was peace inside
Now all I've got is scars I cant hide
My heart is numb and needs a good kick
But I just cant do it cause my brain is still sick
If I dont stop soon I know I will die
Then it will cause all my children to cry
I have become bitter and so full of hate.
How can I be different when this was my fate.
People dont understand why I feel the way I do
They just dont understand what I've been through
So go ahead and judge me cause I know you will.
It wont hurt me. I will just take another pill.
There are stories behind every action and move I make. There are reasons for every word I say. If you dont care enough to come sit with me and let me tell you somethings then stop judging me. If you think you can sum up my whole existence by rumors or by a 15 minute visit then you are the ones missing out and keep your mouth shut.
It doesnt matter how rich, good looking or smart you are. If you cant maintain some kind of balance of self discipline and control you will never succeed in life.