
Joined: August 28, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 370251
Gender: F
I created this account for uplifting and positive enocuragement about staying fit and having a positive lifestyle. I am a dancer in all styles. I love to workout and eat pretty healthy. Sometimes I just need an uplifting quote to motivate me, or give me words of encouragement to go on that extra run for the day. 
Leave me a comment about any questions that you may have. 
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Comments by stayfit

stayfit 1 decade ago to armadillo123forev
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don't give up! diabetes is normal, i have had it over two years now and it has become a part of me. diabetes is what make you, you. it is what makes me, me. i have somehow gotten to know some people with my diabetes. it's on opportunity from God to give you a way to share your story with the world. don't give up. im here if you need to talk.
stayfit 1 decade ago to sweetandsourprofilemaker
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hey! i am new account and its a lot of quotes about motivation and getting fit. I am just getting started. I was wondering if you could create a profile layout that has something to do with that. thank you.