
Joined: July 13, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 116254


Heeeey peoplesss.

Ok well, this is my profileee. (obviously)
So here are a few things about me…


I love my friends, they are my life. Without them, I have NO IDEA what I would do. They help me through everything, and they are the greatest people you will ever meet. In your entire life.<3


I love witty. Actually im more like addicted to witty. I write how I feel at that timee, so it's basically my public diary…oh well. :)


I love my life, even though it’s absolutely not perfect. I have my family and friends by my side, and that’s all I really need. & even though it hasn’t been the greatest right now, I know that everything will be okay in the end. I always have a reason to laugh, and so should you. Life Is great, even if it doesn’t always seem like it. One day everything will be okay again and youll have a reason to smile(: just keep on believein. :)


Feel free to leave comments or favorite my quotes! I would love it if you did<3;)

Summer 2010
Bringg it hattaahhs♥♥

kthanksbyye. ♥


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