
Joined: December 19, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 140624

Quotes by swimstar108


I love it how love can really hit you so hard  that you fall in love with a person that you shouldn't

I Always Though He Was My Romeo....
They Say That True Loves Hurts Well, This Could Almost Kill me....


>>you look through your contacts<<
 and  you see someone and you can't  remember  
when, where, or how 
you know/met them....



 Taste the best when.....

1. you make them at 2:00 in the morning with your 2 best friends
2. your scared your mom is going to come down any second an scream at you...
3. and when every sound you hear from upstairs you shut up everything and run over to your sleeping bags and be dead silent
4. but it breaks when you burst out laughing....

There is never time for doing it right, 

 But there is always time for do overs....
 ps if my friend is reading this tell me what i did worung.....


i had a 2 for one deal.........
i had 3 friends... 2 left and only 1 stayed.......

OK lets gets one things straight!


I am not as think as drunk I am!


Can't you see we are best friends? We got together like......

Peanut butter and Jelly
The Moon and The Stars
Uggs and  Fuzzy Socks
Piggies and Mud
Cows and Moo
Hot Chocolate in  Winter
Flowers in Spring
Boobs and Bras
Dicks and Cups

 That's just how we work! Ok!

I DON"T have a drinking problem!

I'm just really thirsty......