
Joined: July 15, 2010
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 116673
Gender: F

Hi, I'm Caroline and I'm 16 years young! I swear I was born in the wrong country and I belong in England. If you knew me, you would know that I'm shy at first but get crazy and weird when I'm around people I know and love. I'm nowhere close to perfect, but who is? I have my bad days and my good days. I let things get to me and take things to heart. I cry over the smallest things. Sometimes I have trouble controlling my temper and I get annoyed easily and impatient fast. But I'm a caring person and will do anything for those I love if they're willing to do the same for me! Here are a few things you should know about me:

{+} ice cream, deep conversations, cats, travelling, old photographs, reading, anything vintage, the color mint, Taylor Swift, the sun, movie nights, horses and horseback riding, thunder storms, swimming, the ocean, Disney World, animals, Harry Potter, anchors, photography, fashion, old cars, smiling, laughing, my family and friends, One Direction, pottery, H2O: Just Add Water, The Hunger Games, mini golfing, plane rides, wooden rollercoasters, and much more...

{-} spiders, change, crying, the desert, traffic, obnoxious people, backstabbers, old movies, tomatoes, boats, the new Disney Channel, rapping, cartoons, fights, big cities, Justin Beiber, when people dress their dogs, extreme heat, loud talkers, being too early, people who are afraid to bend the rules, liars, exaggerating, group projects, running, braggers, the smell of new cars...

Comments by taytaylor333

taytaylor333 1 decade ago to MissTomlinson
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that's the link to the first part. there are 2 other parts :)
taytaylor333 1 decade ago to MissTomlinson
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that's the link to the first part. there are 2 other parts :)
taytaylor333 1 decade ago to MissTomlinson
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heyy it's me again! can you look on the witty profile: fan fictions ? I wrote something and would love feedback :)
MissTomlinson 1 decade ago to MissTomlinson
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Hm, can you link me?
MissTomlinson 1 decade ago to MissTomlinson
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Absoutely! :D
taytaylor333 1 decade ago to MissTomlinson
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that's the link to the first part. there are 2 other parts :)
taytaylor333 1 decade ago to brownielover808
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hey what website did you use to get the song playing? thanks!
taytaylor333 1 decade ago to brownielover808
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thanks for following me! I followed you <3