
Joined: August 14, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 120749

heyyyyy loves ♥..

my name is kristina. a lott of my friends call me teenerr. i'm 16 years young. junior. soccer. love my friends & familyy. i hope you fav my quotes.  :)

Quotes by teenerrx36

& i bet you'll never remember,
the things i'll never forget...

good weed,
white wine,
i come alive in the
night time.

don't get impatient when it takes to long, drink it all even if it tastes too strong, yea i gotta feel alive even if it kills me.. i promise to always give you me, THE REAL ME.
imma bout whatever mann.

never take a person for granted, hold every person close to your heart cause you might wake up one day & realize that you've lost a diamond while you were too busy
collecting stones.

i really hate to say i told ya so, 
                                               so i bite my tongue but.. 
ya know, ya know.

okay, if we get caught.. pretend we don't speak english. ♥

snooki want smush smushh!

weee gott theee muchhiessssss!
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