
Joined: August 17, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 121149

My name would be Julia <3

I write short stories.
And that's pretty much all you'll find on this account.

I have like, three other accounts on witty...
But I probably won't tell you what they are.
So don't waste your time asking.
Comment/Fav/Hate what I write.
Give me your true opinions,

 I seriously want to know.
I grew up right outside of Dillon, Texas.
My best friends are my life.
Hope you diggggin.
My dad actually is the football coach for our town's high school.
So I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about.
that's it.

My likes are:
Degrassi, Ian Somerhalder, writing, Gossip Girl, facebook, my friendsss, YOUU <3
And many more(:
Ask for my IM or email,
i'll probably give it to you and we can talk(:
please try not being creepy.
I'd appreciate it.
I understand negativity towards my writing on this page.
It's cool.
I'd like to know...
Just don't start fights.
That'd be shveeeeet


Comments by theoneandonly

theoneandonly 1 decade ago to ponykrazed
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theoneandonly 1 decade ago to _writeOUTloud
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thank you(: and yessss, i definitely will(: well, just keep checking up on my wall, i'll be adding more chapters more often from now on(:
theoneandonly 1 decade ago to _writeOUTloud
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thank you very much(: i'm actually basing it on my high school life story just with different names and a few things switched up a bit. i hope you enjoy(:
theoneandonly 1 decade ago to yuckyducky
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i already commented on your quote... but i wanted to say more; if you ever needed a friend just ask!! i would be happy to be your friend!! and i'm sure plenty of other girls would also. killing yourself isn't going to solve any of your problems. it's okay <3 i'm here for you.