
Joined: September 18, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 125374

hey ,im currrently hating my life.

likes: friends,family,boys, music,photography,
staying up late,winter,summer,ryan reynolds

dislikes: ,grudges,liars,
being mad,crocs,being forgetful.

i'm a really nice person if you want to talk or need advice,
i've been through a lot so i don't judge. no matter what!


Quotes by thewayiloveyou

Love who you are; 
 Or you will
hate who you become.

she has the "best life"
she is "perfect"
she has "guys all over her"
she has "the most popular friends"

little do you know
every single night she cries herself to sleep.

not my format.

  when life gives you a hundred reasons to c r y  ;
show life that you have a thousand reasons to
s m i l e
 saw you,  I wanted you.
I got you , I liked you.
I loved you,
I lost you, I miss you.♥

..not my format 

so for the past few weeks...

a lot of people have been asking me if i was okay,
i obviously pulled on that fake smile
and said, "Yeah. I'm fine."
but today, 
somebody finally said..
"No you're not."
and gave me a hug.

   and an


C all  m e  a  name,  kill  me 
with words, forget about me, it's what i deserve. 

R.I.P. to the girl you used to see, her days are over, baby shes over.

have you ever been alone in a

Crowded  Room?


love is everything it's cracked up to be,
that's why people are so cynical about it.
it really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for
and the trouble is..
if you don't risk anything, you risk even more.
format credit ; silly slinky 

life is a beach and i'm just

playing in the sand