
Joined: December 25, 2006
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 42977
Heyy i`m 14 & i live in iowa. I`ve been hurt to many times to count & it sucks.

Quotes by tornxbetweenxtwo

it really suck`s when
yuu see the one youu
love being stupid
&& not paying attention
to his own life when
he`s to independent to
stop the stuff he`s
doing & be mature!
seriously you all need to just shut up
about which sport is different & how
cheerleading isn`t a sport. It is
they do just as much work as we do!
they go through conditioning like
we do! there just the same they go
through the same pain that we do!
so just shut up about the whole
ohh softball`s better there all
equal! I play volleyball & have done
cheerleading in the past & i loved
it! I just dedicated my sports life
to volleyball!
so just shut up about the whole damn
this sports better then that
its retarded & immature!
when a guy says that he loves you
but then when you break up he says
"I knew i liked you but wasnt sure
that i loved you."
That kills a girls heart & makes
her not want to love again.
Sometimes it's better to leave something broken, because if you try to fix it, you may end up getting hurt all over again.
She lies in bed with so many memories going through her head the first time they met, the first time they kissed, the first time he told her he loved her. A tear fell from her face && she wished she could forget all the memories they had together. He had broken her heart.