
Joined: April 5, 2012
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this world was made for two <3
Hey there I'm Olivia. I love my friends family and boyfriend. I like to go on the internet and just waste my life on there basically. I have something called ADHD so don't get pissed off at me if I say some shit thats on my mind and your so surprised that you flip shit. I dont like it when people make fun of others if they dont know them, I mean at least take the effort to actually talk to them before you judge them... I like to enjoy the little things in life because you never know when you wont be able to see the earth again. I think if everyone wasnt so insecure the world couuld be better. So if theres someone that you may not like or something you should just try to keep the peace! Anyways, I like the following, Drake,puppies,music,boyfriend,cotton candy,sugar,food, and love. Music also is a big part in my life I listen to it all the time to be honest. I like artists like Nicki Minaj,Drake,Lil Wayne, Tyga, Rihanna, and One Direction. I like Louis from One Direction if you like them too, we should totally talk ;). I dislike the following, rudeness, smart mouth , orange creamsicle , and society. Look if your ever in need of some advice I'm here for you I understand how hard it can be sometimes. But I will always be here, if you just need to talk heres my skype ; oliviamaex333. Please tell me your from witty though, I will not accept it if you do. I also like to spend time on Tumblr heres my url ; http://love-under-the-sunset.tumblr.com/ go there, follow me. I need to reach my goal. Anyways, I'm pretty friendly over all, I love to talk to people! I know I'm a little all over the place, but believe me I'm pretty popz in my school with people and can get along with almost anybody. I've been told I'm REALLY funny, I have a good sense of humor if you can take jokes. But if you cant take a mo fo joke were better off not talking. My boyfriend is also a big part of my life I'd like to spend the last para talking bout him. Basically we've only known eachother for a little bit, but Ive found the love of my life and I seriously want to be with him forever. He doesn't do anything to hurt me. Hes amazing the ideal boyfriend. I want to get married to him. 12-24-11 <3. But yup thats me
My Love for you went over my willpower. <3
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