
Joined: March 31, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 287992

Hannah Marie Noble
15 / Sophomore / California, USA

I'm not new to Witty, I forgot my password to my old account.

The name is Hannah, but I prefer nicknames over my real name.
(I've been called Siren, Andy, Pikachu, Thing 2, Big Red, and Nala.)
I write stories on Wattpad and I have a few old accounts on Mibba.
I don't plan on writing on Witty because I don't like the way things are set up
due to the limited characters. But hey, that's just me, I suppose.
I'm big on grammar and spelling, and I love words and syllables.
When I'm older, I hope my employment involves writing, stage craft, or
possibly technical theater. I don't want to be stuck in a cubicle.
I have a wonderful boyfriend who I love dearly.
I'm a pretty positive person who everyone goes to with their problems.
I always try to lend a shoulder to cry on and I will always try to help you.
Music is one of the best things, ever, and I'm more into the Post-Hardcore genre.
I also listen to a few "Electronic" things here and there, alongside Acoustic,
PowerPop, Rock, and Pop Punk. I go to Warped Tour twice every year, also.
These are only words, so to get to know me, read the story in between the lines.


Quote Comments by underthetallwaves

underthetallwaves 1 decade ago on quote #5867459
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Pierce The Veil ♥
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underthetallwaves 1 decade ago on quote #5836436
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I cried when this song came out, omg. Soon enough Bulls in the Bronx will be out! ♥
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underthetallwaves 1 decade ago on quote #5799679
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Yeeep! c:
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underthetallwaves 1 decade ago on quote #5787380
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I agree, it's scary at first, but once you get settled in and used to things, it can be a lot of fun. You get to make a lot of new friends, but also drama comes hand in hand with that. But life's all about taking the bull by the horns I suppose!
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underthetallwaves 1 decade ago on quote #5699730
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underthetallwaves 1 decade ago on quote #5693711
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ymas is amazing :D
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underthetallwaves 1 decade ago on quote #5444408
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Marianas Trench is just simply amazing.
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