
Joined: March 10, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 282581

Quotes by urata

When I look into your eyes, its like watching the night sky.
Or beutiful sunrise, there's so much they hold.
 Just like them old stars, I see that  you've come so far
to be right where you are, how old is your soul ?
I wont give up on us.

I wont give up - jason mraz 
x(: people who aren't afraid to admit they still play with dolls, and let their imagination run wild :)x
call me childish but i still play with dolls :)

some people can and some people can't i guess im just one of those who can't

You are what you eat right, well i never remember having a bowl of sexy ;)

x Having those fake fight moments with your best friend x

*watching movie*
me:no no noooo she's the goodie argh listen to me!
me:i'd make such a great actor
me:okay look don't go inside the..nooo you're poop :(
me:imagine if that happend to me :o
me: *looking everywhere in case there's a ghost or face*
me:okay there's nothing there :)
me:im safe.... but you're not, watch out !!!!
me:come on you can't kiss her boyfriend noooo what are you doing ?!?
me:no no no no no no dont open the door he's in there!
me:arghhhhh !!!

The china dolls and her...

I woke up.
5 o'clock in the morning, screaming.
It was dark, I was petrified yet helpless as it began.
It was so real, I was so lost as she started her journey to haunt me.

-mini begining of my horror story, school project need real people opinions not just my mums. please fav if its good or okayish :)x thanks a load x(:

 that moment when you want to*♥* something more than one time 'cause you love it that much  :d<3xre than one time 'cause you love it that much 

I'm rich, not by money or fancy cars but by love and happiess and that will get far in life I know it
all the help and determination i have will guide me alng with love and happiness and i dont need a fancy car or money (this does't mean i dont want them (: <3 x )

I just wanted to say,
back then, when you would look at me, like I did somethimg to you, like YOU were the one who got hurt,
when you'd talk about me,

yeah it hurt but not as much as seeing your face every single day.

But now, now its kind of a plessure 'cause, guess what, I won in the end and you know it, I found out whats really important in life and it not regrets and deffinently not you.Its my friends, my REAL friends, my family , having fun and living my life.I may not be rich and popular but acctually if you think about it I am rich you see, rich in love and happiness and your not.

These days seeing that way you look at me is like a pat on the back, knowing your talking about me tells me that really, your the sad one, the one without a life, when you look at me every 5 seconds, now is just exclaiming your jeolousy that I have won, that I have found myself, but dont worry your still searching and im sure one day when you're a better person I might just forgive you.

But for now im here thinking, jeolousy is your least favourite word but at this very moment it describes you perfectly