
Joined: December 12, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 95695

Quotes by vagasskies

I broke us,
and i want us together again...
But you dont want anything to do with me...</3
Your my bestfriend,
and now my worst enemy
I wish it was us... </3
So I tell you i have a boyfriend,
three days after we broke...
Then you tell me,
wow that fast...
Well atleastI I
can get someone...
that fast
I Love You Babe, yupp i miss when you said that...</3

So, i broke your heart,
All my friends are mad at me,
You started rummors for attention,
Now, i lost friends
And all they care about is how bad your hurt,
But do they realize,

I am hurt too,
It was a total mistake
Breaking us
I realize that,
I should have never,
So, now as i write this,
I am in tears,
No one knows,
No one cares,
I Love You
With All My Heart.
And You cant see that...
</3 for both of us...


Yeah i miss that...
I broke your heart...
And broke mine as well...
I miss the 3-2-10
And i think you do too...
But, everything i say is
Either bullshit to you or a lie
And, all the rummors
Well to you they aare the truth...
And, to you
I'm a cheater
A lier
And now that what i am to you...

1. Full Name: Alexyis Kristen Dyckman
2. Nicknames: lexi
4. Place of Birth: boston
5. Zodiac Sign: tarus
6. Male or Female: Female
7. Year at College: middle school
8. School: 
9. Occupation: dont have one
10. Residence: massachusetts
11. MSN Screen Name: vagasskies ((onnly for wiityy )))

__Your Appearance___
12. Hair Color: red
13. Hair Length: little longer then shoulders
14. Eye color: brown
15. Weight: 80
16. Height: 4' "10
17. Braces?: really soon
18. Glasses?: yupps
19. Piercings: earrs
20. Tattoos: naah
21. Righty or Lefty: rightiie

___Your 'Firsts'___

22. First best friend: amanda 
23. First Award: cheerleading, scholer
24. First Sport You Joined: Dance
25. First pet: cody
26. First Real Vacation: florida
27. First Concert: kiss concert
28. First Love: zack

___ Favorites___

29. Movie: one missed call
30. TV program: jon & kate + eight
31. Color: hot pink
32. Rapper: eminem&lil wayne & drake
33. Band: paramore
34. Song Right Now: never let  you go
35. Friends: jimmy, and amanda
36. Sweet: Chocolate!(:<3
37. Sport to Play: SOCCER, dance, cheerleading 
38. Restaurant: idontknow
39 Brand: hollister
40. Store: hollister, aeropostale, abercrombie, hot topic
41. School Subject:NONE stuuupuuiid
42. Animal: zebra
43. Book: twilight series
45. Shoes: fliipiie flopppiies & nikke 6.0 & uggs


46. Feeling: happiie& sad
47. Single or taken: taken
48. Have a crush: no
49. Eating: nohtiin
50. Drinking: nothing
51. Typing: exxactklylyly thiiss!!
52. Online?: yeaah
53. Listening To: music
54. Thinking About: himm
55. Wanting To: yes
56. Watching: nothiiing
57. Wearing: skinies and a t-shirt

___Your Future___

58. Want Kids?: 5-10 *(: (came from a big family )
59. Want to be Married?: no
60. Careers in Mind: singer
62.Car: convertible or acura mdx orrr audii:)

___Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___

63. Hair color: depends on their face. prob dark brown for short hair or for a lill longer hair, blondee
64. Hair length: long most of the time. pends on theriir face
65. Eye color: bule
66. Measurements: taller then me
67. Cute or Sexy:  botthh
68: eyes or lips: eyes
69. Hugs or Kisses: bboth
70. Short or Tall: tall
71. Easygoing or serious: iin the middle
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: boootthh
73. Fatty or Skinny: skiinny
74. Sensitive or Loud: inn the midldle
75. hook up or relationship: pends on person. mostly relationship though:!)
76. Sweet or Caring: bottttth
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant one: middle
77. Black or white: whiitee 

___Have you ever______

78. Kissed a Stranger: nooppe.
79. Had Alcohol: yeaaahh
81. Ran Away From Home: wanted to
82. Broken a bone: yeea
83. Got an X-ray: mhhm
84. Had a serious relationship: kiinnda sorrta
85. Broken Someones Heart: yeahh  
87. Cried When Someone dumped you: yuuup.
88. Cried At School: yeeah

__Do You Believe In___

89. God: yea
90. Miracles: yea
91. Love At First sight: yeah
92. Ghosts: yeahh kinda
93. Aliens: nope
95. Heaven: YES
96. Hell: YES
97. Angles: YES
98. Kissing on The First Date: YES
99. Horoscopes: nope
___Answer Truthfully___
100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know you cant have? nope
Yeah so i dont say "mine" at the end of a quote
So go a head steel the quote.
I dont care,
but you will never take away
the pain, heartache,and soul
that came from my heart
to the quote.
So go ahead take it
i dont care.
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