
Joined: July 12, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 82607

Quotes by vanillarainbow007

                   Plot twist: we all stop saying plot twist

          my mind and my heart never seem to get along..
Is It Just Me Or.. #11
- or do you not understand, at all, why people lock lockers? what are you gonna steal? my notebook? take it.
Is It Just Me Or.. #10
- or do you love getting like 5 page texts, but you hate sending them?
Is It Just Me Or.. #9
- or do the cheetah girls never get old? .. wait, what?
Is It Just Me Or.. #8
- or do you HATE IT, when people don't know the difference between a juice box, a juice pack, and juice pouch? there is a difference people.

Is It Just Me Or.. #7
- or do you sometimes stop thinking what you're thinking, because you're paranoid that someone could be reading your mind?
Is It Just Me Or.. #6
- or do you pick out love songs that apply to your life, and sing them tot he "crowd" in your room?


Is It Just Me Or.. #5
- or do you sometimes get paranoid that there's cameras in your house? ...


Is It Just Me Or.. #4
- or the second you go into your room to do your homework, turn on the music, and it turns into a crazy dance party for one?