
Joined: May 11, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 76131
Welcome to my account where I let out my feelings.  I know that may sound weird but I'll deal.  Every single one of these quotes is original.  Right from my mind and my very thoughts.

Every single one of these quotes is one of my real thoughts.  I know, it's like "these are thoughts?"  But, yeah.  They're all my original thoughts, I can guarentee you won't see anyone of these quotes made before mine.  I don't care if you jock, I know that I made them and that's all that matters.  So, I don't care.  I would appreciate credit, but I don't really mind.  Like I said, I know I made them.  So, yeah.  That's basically it.  Thanks(:

Have a great day.

Quote Comments by when_myFeelings_surface

when_myFeelings_surface 1 decade ago on quote #811301
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great job! loving it!
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