
Joined: October 24, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 335876
Location: Carinda NSW
Gender: F
I am an outdoorsy, country living girl from a small outback town in the middle of nowhere. i love country music. I love reading, for me having faced some bad things in my 13 years I believe that fantasy is a lot better than reality and since I was around 8 and my father left i have read more and wanted to be an Author.
I live on a farm with numerous animals but mostly working and hunting dogs. the dogs despite their size and their uses are completely harmless.

Quotes by whiskeygirl2012

hey am new to witty and was planning on writting a short stroy. first i need an opinion, which one should write.

Meg and Brie were twins they did every thing together but they NEVER thought that their love for music would searate them for ever. when Brie is offered a music caree with none other than ONE DIRECTION meg takes it badly and tells her to do it all so she doesn't have to see her sister loose evrything she has worked so hard to get. Brie sets off for her dream job but little does she know what the fates have in store for her. there will be love broken hearts and fights.

what do u think should i create it. only your feedback will decide.

Never take someone for granted
every person close to your heart
because you might wake up one day
and realise that you've lost a dimond while you were to busy collecting stones...
the impossible thinker
Sees the invisible,
feels the intangable
And achieves the
Don't pray to be beautiful. be glad that ur funny