
Joined: January 29, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 269004
You ever been depressed?

Have you ever been tired of what you look like?
Always wanted to look like that big fancy model on the Vogue Magazines?
Well I';m here for you.
If you are indeed lonely, annoyed, depressed, struggling, and tired, you should talk to me.

You are beautiful.
I am all ears if you ever need to talk about something.Ever
I promise to keep your thoughts safe within me
I promise not to judge you.

You're not ugly ; god doesn't create 'ugly' people.

In school, I am a "Rachel's Challenge Embassador," which basically is just helping people spread Rachel Joy Scott's word of being kind to one another. Helping each and everyone out, and not judging people. I help stop bullying, and stand up for people that are being bullied. 

She's smiling,
but inside she's dying.♥

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