
Joined: October 4, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 14564
to all my friends.....I

Quotes by x0ifonlyiwouldhave0x

I feel so broken up
And I give up
just wanna tell you so you know
here I go
SCREAM my lungs out
to try to get to YoU
You are my ONLY one.....
~~~~The dreams we make t o d a y are the memories we have to m o r r o w~~~~
:+: Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesturday :+:

Heard it offa ''life as we know it''
Love is like {m a g i c} but then again.....
magic sometimes is just an {i l l u s i o n.} </3

I got it outta one of my ''chicken soup for the teenage soul'' books.
Your not f.i.n.s.h.e.d when you lose....
Your finshed when you q/u/i/t/.....

Not famous but my soccer coach always says it.
I l/o/o/k at (you)
You l/o/o/k at (her)
My heart breaks </3 while u happy in her pres*ents
I wonder why you picked her over ::me:: , what could i do
how ~could~ this be?

I wish they had a ''heartbreak'' section ....but they dont....so i put it here
*boys are (cheats) and l/i/a/r/s
*their such a BIG digrace
*they will tell u a*n*y thing to get to s^e^c^o^n^d base

BBL~ Im going to second base with one of them cheatin' liars.

50% mine ....its kinda slutty but i thought it was funny
....and if its (written) on my face
I hope it n•e•v•e•r goes away

a/s/h/l/e/e/ s/i/m/p/s/o/n
*cuz these are the days worth livin'
** these (years) we're given
*** and these are the (moments)
**** these are the (times)
***** lets make the (best) out of our lives

~the calling

I saw these guys in concert at six flags in new jersey they were with Steriogram.....Both of them ROCKED!
p.s I love you f*o*r*e*v*e*r and t*o*d*a*y

~~~all american rejects~~~~~

¿¿¿Does this sound familar to ne one???