
Joined: May 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 173629

My names Brooke if you didn't notice.
I don't label myself, I'm Brooke and thats it.
Some people find me special.. I'm a very open person
I don't care what people think of me, only what I think of myself matters. I'm usually nice and very friendly but if you're a bitch to me you'll get the same attitude back. I don't judge, but I do state my opinion.

I like: Music, videogames(black ops being my fav), computerr, drawing, art, snowboarding(even though I'm not that good at it.. yet(;), youtube, my doggy and kitties, my friends(usually..), volleyball, soda, junk food, watching movies, band tshirts, zombie films/zombie games.. etc. (:

I dislike: People that are annoying. Immature people. Bitches. Fakes. people that spell things like iz and kool. People who cant keep up conversation. People that add 'z' to the end of there words (lolzzz) -.-, noobs, healthy food, country music, know-it-alls, etc.

I fear: Spiders, clowns, robots, midgets, the dark..

I dont think I'm too bad..(; I'm usually pretty easy to get along with aslong as you don't piss me off. So get to know me if you like, I don't mind talking to new people(: Ask for my facebook if you so please :)

Comments by xBrookeAshx

xBrookeAshx 1 decade ago to xBrookeAshx
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@mynameisjessica, lolll yeah, shows I have nothing better to do.. quite sad actually(; And thank you so much ^_^ , as are you ((: !
xBrookeAshx 1 decade ago to xBrookeAshx
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@ashleylovesyoumuches, thank you so much (: !
xBrookeAshx 1 decade ago to Landon
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So you're incredibly hot and seem super sweet.. and you should talk to me some timeee(: