
Joined: May 19, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 109487

   Im Lauren.(: I am 14 years old. I do have a boyfriend, his name is Michael. <3 I really don't know how to explain myself haha. I'm just meh. :3 Well, feel free to talk.(:

Quotes by xLaurenxNicolex

You see that boy over there?
Well, he means the world to me. His mood affects mine. He makes me happier than anyone else ever could, or ever has. I smile like an idiot when I'm talking to him. & his eyes are bluer than anything. The kind of blue you get lost in.
He loves making people happy. He's good with little kids. He knows when to be serious, and when its alright to joke around. He
loves his girlfriend more than anything. He has cried for thinking about leaving her, which made him realize he could never lose her. He knows how to handle
bad situations. & he knows how to let you know everything will be alright.
Sometime's, he gets upset. He
shares his feelings.
I love him more than the world. I couldnt picture me without him.
"I want to be with you forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever."  


Forget 11:11.
Im gonna buy two
and name them
cosmo and wanda.
Then i could make a wish,
whenever i want.

"i still cant believe she told you that i like you!"
"well, i think its a very qood thinq she did. if she didnt then it wouldve taken me lonqer to fiqure out."
"yeah, i quess its a qood thinq. i just didnt want her to tell you because, well, i dont know if you like me.."
"really? i thouqht i was makinq it obvious(:"
somewhere alonq the road;
we can
when we're both
of course.