
Joined: May 10, 2006
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 37077
i love love love sports such as basketball cheerleading and softball !! i love love love the Red Sox

Quotes by xOillneverforgetxO

I've seen what you can do
I've seen you make miracles and hopeless dreams come true <3
and to answer your question i just had to leave
but thats not why i'm here, i came out here to tell you it rained in heaven all day long.
And now i know that i can't make you stay.
But where's your heart?
But where's your heart?
I'm over your lies
and I'm over your games.
I'm over you asking me
When you know I'm not okay.
You'd rather watch
me drown, than see
your hands get wet
secret # 15
all she want to hear is that you miss her when she's not around
secret # 16
i'm so scared that i'll want to love you forever and you'll only want me for a few moments in your life
secret # 17
i'm slowly teaching myself how to breath when i'm around you
secret # 18
she's the type of girl who will try not to like you, but she just ends up falling even harder
secret # 8
its hard to have no one want to hold you when you feel alone
secret # 9
sometimes all she wants to do it run away
secret # 10
i spend too much time thinking about things that will never happen and dressing up for the boy that will never care
secret # 11
somethings you can't see with your eyes, only with your heart
secret # 13
we often ignore those who want us, and crave for those who don't
secret # 14
she might say that she hates him, but inside she would die without him
secret # 1
sometimes i look cold just so you'll hold me
secret # 2
she needs to hear that she's beautiful
secret # 3
all she wants is someone that will love her endlessly
secret # 4
life was so much easier when boys had cooties
secret # 5
i'd rather argue with you then kiss someone else
secret # 6
its every girls dream to have a guy call her at 3am just to say i love you
secret # 7
smiles and makeup can cover up so much these days
somtimes the hardest thing
&& the right thing
are the s a m e <3
-The Fray
&& when i look into your eyes, its like theres nothing else in the world but me and you`<3