
Joined: October 30, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 15454
hey buddy's.. i'm Kim, im not gonna give out too much info because ya kno those crazy rapist people are out there and they might come get me! haha okay well tell me what you guys think about the stuff i post.. they are ALL by me, cuz i dont like to copy people.. well thanks

Quotes by xStrawBrryKiss21

So in love with you..

She stares at him from across the room
hoping he will notice her soon
He looks at her,with a slight grin
and she wonders if it is his heart she will ever win
She turns away,too shy to keep staring
but out of the corner of her eye she sees him glaring
As she looks back just to see that silver sparkle in his eye
she wonders to her self..do i deserve him and if so why?
Then as she thinks of what she needs..and who she is
she turns around and sees a hand on her shoulder,it's his.
Her face lights up with joy,for it is she he has seen
and she thinks for a second,it's perfect, i'm a queen
"thank you" she whispers as she peers up towards the sky
will you be mine..he asks,she has no reply
She sits there in awe,cannot believe what just happened
it is the best moment of her life, right there, right then
"yes" says her soft,delicate voice as he holds her tight
she cannot believe that it has all become true, no more darkness only light.

By: Me
^ he doenst realize how bad i want him, how bad i NEED him.. only he is the light at the end of my tunnel
So in love with you..

She stares at him from across the room
hoping he will notice her soon
He looks at her,with a slight grin
and she wonders if it is his heart she will ever win
She turns away,too shy to keep staring
but out of the corner of her eye she sees him glaring
As she looks back just to see that silver sparkle in his eye
she wonders to her self..do i deserve him and if so why?
Then as she thinks of what she needs..and who she is
she turns around and sees a hand on her shoulder,it's his.
Her face lights up with joy,for it is she he has seen
and she thinks for a second,it's perfect, i'm a queen
"thank you" she whispers as she peers up towards the sky
will you be mine..he asks,she has no reply
She sits there in awe,cannot believe what just happened
it is the best moment of her life, right there, right then
"yes" says her soft,delicate voice as he holds her tight
she cannot believe that it has all become true, no more darkness only light.
So in love with you..

She stares at him from across the room
hoping he will notice her soon
He looks at her,with a slight grin
and she wonders if it is his heart she will ever win
She turns away,too shy to keep staring
but out of the corner of her eye she sees him glaring
As she looks back just to see that silver sparkle in his eye
she wonders to her self..do i deserve him and if so why?
Then as she thinks of what she needs..and who she is
she turns around and sees a hand on her shoulder,it's his.
Her face lights up with joy,for it is she he has seen
and she thinks for a second,it's perfect, i'm a queen
"thank you" she whispers as she peers up towards the sky
will you be mine..he asks,she has no reply
She sits there in awe,cannot believe what just happened
it is the best moment of her life, right there, right then
"yes" says her soft,delicate voice as he holds her tight
she cannot believe that it has all become true, no more darkness only light.
I long for you.

-I built up the courage to ask you
I had confidence that you would say yes
I guess you said no for a reason
It was probably for the best
-You led me on you made me believe
That me and you were true to be
I thought that you liked me I guess not
Even though i liked you alot
-Was it all fun and games for you?
Did you ever feel for me?
Or were you just messing around
Is that how you choose to be?
-Now i kno the real you
You go for what you want
Maybe i should let you go
and you can find someone else's feelings to taunt
-I kno right now i hate you
But i still long for your touch
I still want you here to hold me
I dont really ask for much
-I think about it every night
and what i can do to improve
I would still do anything
Anything to make you approve
-I feel as if i should give up
and move on to someone new
but even if thats the choice i make
i will always long for you

yeah..why cant our lives be just as perfect as a storybook, you and me together for ever.. but no, that's when reality has to come in
I never.

I never thought that when i first saw you, i would know that you are the one for me.
I never realized that when i looked into your eyes i fell completely in love..honestly.
I never knew if we would end up happy or sad in the end.
I never saw the bad side of you, only the good, there was no twist or bend.
I never could believe that you would feel the same.
I never went on to think that if love was just a simple game.
You never expressed yourself to me
Your feelings, your emotions, what we should be.
But in the end it was all worth the wait.
Its you and me now babe, i knew it was fate.

^all mine.. use it if you want.. let me know what you think of my stuff so far, im just starting to post my emotions:) < xStrawBrryKiss21

^ i dont know if i love you, but alls i know is that you make me happy when my skys are gray and cloudy.. its only you hun, only you*
me + you = only in my dreams
... hopefully one day my dreams will come true, but until that day i will wait patiently.. i would wait forever

dedicated to you <3.. If only you knew how i feel.. psh as if it isnt obvious.. but only if..