
Joined: February 7, 2007
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 43981
Hey Everyone! I'm a freshman in college so I spent alot of time on my computer...I love editing quotes. If you want any edit ideas feel free to msg me!

Quotes by xXBabi23CeeXx

&& I wasted
the *best* years
of my life
w i t h you...

But there's
a reason
they w e r e
the b-e-s-t years
of my life
[ Y o u ]

white background
&&-size 10, Arial, black
I wasted-size 12, hot pink, Arial
best-bradly hand font, size 12, bold
my-underline, purple, arial
But-light blue
reason-bernard font
life-impact font and peach

anything that wasn't mentioned is arial font, size 12, black...any questions--just ask!