
Joined: February 8, 2006
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 33895
i make a lot of good quotes.. but it takes me a while =) i abolutely loove my friends!

Quotes by x_woahbaby70_x

its almost like you had it planned;
its like you smiled, hugged me, and whisper
"hey i`m about to screw you over big tim
its like in second grade
when someone broke apart a candy bar
so the 2 girls could share
and one girl would get a bigger half
and the other girl would get jealous

well youre the candy bar
she got the bigger half
and im jealous

no matter how hard
you try to forget him
there will always
be that one guy
that makes your heart hurt
eveytime you hear his name
and you just have to
live without him because
he has someone better
that makes him feel
the same way you feel about him

You have to fall and be on the ground
Before you can get up again e>

edits ;; pink font arial 10 point
fall ;; light blue italic
ground ;; light blue underline
get up again ;; brown blod
e ;; symbol font 10 point
> ;; comic sans ms font 10 point
"When I feel bad, I like to treat myself.
Clothes never look good,
food makes me fat,
but shoes always fit."
-In Her Shoes

edits ;; grey font arial 10 point
feel - italic
treat && clothes - underline
fat, - underline bold
always - georgia italic
In - hot pink
Her - light blue
Shoes - peach
Because youre the
kinda guy who'd
laugh at me when i fall,
help me up and
whisper, its okay
baby, because
I love you...

lots of edits! all 8 point
Beacuse youre the ;; arial italics
kinda guy who'd ;; arial bold
laugh at me when i fall, ;; times new roman
help me up and ;; times new roman bold
whisper ;; arial and nothing YET
its okay ;; arial bold
baby, because ;; times new roman bold
i love you.. ;; arial and nothing yet

wisper ;; right click, text, style, superscript then make 14 point
i love you.. ;; right click, text, style, subscript then make 12 point

its really vute in grey
pick me.choose me.love me
-Greys Anatomy e>

edits ;; make the last e in symbol and the > in comic sans ms

makes a cute heart =]
it hurts so bad
to know im alone
and he isnt <|3
... " LEFT " ...
dont tell me the skys the limmit when theres footprints on the moon <3