
Status: Loud . Proud . And Country By The Grace Of God . ❤
Joined: March 15, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 283903
Gender: F

xeverythinghappensforareasonx's Favorite Quotes

No-one will read this but i just want to get this out.
On the last day of school I coaught my crush looking at me multiple times, and kept on talking to me and my best friend about random things, he also waited for me after school and we walked and talked about how everyone's feeling. He NEVER EVER talk's to me and he has never waited for me before. I'm just wondering.


If I told you I loved you
Chapter Two

"Well, that was kind of awkward," I look to Lennox who's about ready to pound some faces in.  "Don't do anything, please..." 
"It's not like you'll ever do anything, you're too innocent." She rolls her eyes, and places her hands on her hips. I roll my eyes back at her, and walk away. Tonight, I'll prove that I'm not so innocent as people think I am. 
"Carter," My voice shakes, while I look in those gorgeous eyes of his. I almost lose my train of thought. I shake from my trance, and take a deep breath. "I'm not like other girls, I don't just want s*x, and if that's what you're looking for, please don't stop at me. I've liked you for as long as I can remember, but I never thought you'd do this to me." 
"...Is this really how you think I am?" His curled lips turn into a frown, and he sets down his drink. "I don't know what you've heard about me, but it's wrong. I take relationships seriously, and I thought it'd be perfect if I proved that to you. I haven't been dating her for over a year, she's just crazy, I swear. I'd never do that to anyone...Especially you." 
A blanket of guilt covers my cold shoulders. See what I get for trying to prove her wrong? I get kicked in the a*s with karma. I sit on a hay bale that's sitting off to the side of the party. I place my head in my hands. I take a sip of my lemonade, and stand up- just about ready to go home. I adjust my shirt, and start walking. 
"Riley, wait..." A voice comes up from behind me. "Please, don't leave." I turn around to see Carter, practially on his knees begging me to stay. It's so cliché.
"I am so sorry," I cross my arms innocently. "About blowing up on you."
"It wouldn't be the first time that somebody assumed I was someone I'm not." He takes my shaky hand, and we sit down on the ground that's starting to get wet. "I was hoping you'd realize that I'm not as bad as people make me out to be."
"Well, maybe you can prove it. You have one night." He raises an eyebrow at me, then gets up and smiles. He runs me over to his truck, and helps me up in it. He turns on the engine, and turns up the radio a little. 
"If I only have one night, we better start this now," He laughs, pushing the gas pedal so hard, we leave immediately from the field, onto a dirt road, then onto a quiet main road. 

Author's Note: I hope you guys are liking it so far, keep up the faves! If you want to be notified please comment every chapter, it's much easier for me, and it'll take you like three seconds. So, I want to make the comments fun. Comment what you think will happen next? Follow me to keep up with the story! 


"There is no correct path. We pave our own roads. Don't be afriad to find you're own way."
Alex Gaskarth 

& I've got
 this great ability to ruin everything that's good for me.

My lungs, they 
 start to ache but still we carry on.


When a guy takes your phone
& you start wrestling him to get it back


Let's waste time
chasing cars



Take A Back Road
- Prolouge -

A pair of headlights sped past the house, belonging to a white Ford pick-up, I ran to the window to get a better look. The brake lights turned on, and the truck started to back up, the tan arm that hung out the driver side door belonged to the boy everyone in the school adored, Rick. Who just happened to be giving me a ride to work. I saw the clock out of the corner of my eye, he was late, as usual, I ran out to the end of the driveway, trying not to lose my balance on the snow and ice that covered the ground. As soon as I reached the passenger side I was on my but, soaked, Rick opened the door for me from the inside of the truck for me, and handed me a towel.

.  A . N .
So, new story, thinkin' it's gonna be good this time, I promise I will finish it, as long as someone reads it. So ya'll need to comment if you wanna be notified. Feedback would be great if you could spare some! I started over, just didn't feel quite right before .. Thanks so much for reading! Love ya'll!


when he says,
"   i      l o v e     y o u    "   f i r s t    



Take A Back Road
- Chapter one -

“I figured you’d end up needin’ this,” He grinned at me, like he did when we were younger when he knew he was doing something mum wouldn’t approve of, and handed me the towel.

I rolled my eyes at my brother, trying to figure out why all the other girls at school adored him as much as they did. I clambered on up into the old dirty truck, my freshly polished nails already getting grease on them. I sat on the towel, trying to stay as clean as possible, my door closed behind me, and my seat belt clicked. Rick's dark chocolate eyes stared at me, and flickered from me to the light above to my door, and back to me again, I raised a perfect eyebrow towards him. I rolled my crystal blue eyes at him and opened the door, and slammed it closed, that grin appeared on his face once more.

The truck luched forward almost hitting the snow bank, I reached for the dash, and glared at my brother, "I think this is where you put it in reverse," I snickered.

"You're no fun anymore," he frowned, lightly punching my arm. He put the truck in reverse, backing out of the drive as slowly as possible.

"Can you go any slower? I'm going to be late, and it's my first day." I crossed my arms, and pretended to pout. As soon as we hit tar the truck sped up, going WAY over the speed limit. We pulled into the parking lot of the old dinner, he reved the truck, just as I was about to unbuckle he sped around to the empty part of the lot and decided it was time to put on a show for everyone in town. When he was finally finished, he jumped out of the cab of the truck and walked over to my side, opening the door and helping me out. He sure was quite the lady's man.

.  A . N .
So, I'm really likinh this story, && I promise I will finish it, as long as someone reads it. So ya'll need to comment if you wanna be notified. Feedback would be great if you could spare some! I started over, just didn't feel quite right before .. Thanks so much for reading! Love ya'll!