
Joined: January 30, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 150076


Quotes by xforeverisntlongenoughx

 i miss you
i miss your smile,
i still still shed a tear
every once and awhile

I have a fever, i cant stop coughing and sneezing, and my throat is so flipping soar.
please stop making me
so damn
love sick

not mine

I have to tell you something.
I am

madly in love with You


all I'm asking for is a
Valentine's day miracle,
I'm not gonnna lie, it involves him<3


What hurts the most,
is knowing
you hurt the people that
you love
the most.


i wish I was a better person



 Am I the only one who feels like they don't belong 







It's not a purse,
it's a


You wanna'
piece of  mme?

not my format

With this bad winter weather, my drive way has been about 6 inches taller; all solid ice. 
My dad made me and my brother help him chip away at the ice with shovels and hammers.
so i used all my strength to stab, beat, breakaway, and destroy the ice.

I'm not going to lie;

i was pretending the ice was
your face.