
Joined: November 2, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 374207
Gender: F
I'm Ashley and I've been through a lot. If you follow me you'll see inspirational quotes from experiences I've had. I can also be funny. And I like to write short stories so I hope you enjoy my account!!

Quotes by xo_ashley22

But every songs like
Gold Teeth
Grey Goose
Tripin in the bathroom
Blood Stains
Ball Gowns
Trashin the hotel room
Wej dont care
We're driving caddilacs in our dreams..
Hugs make me so happy.
Sometimes all you have to do is keep your chin up in times of down and say "rot in hell haters" and fly away in your angel wings :)
Sometimes I like start the day with a big "Why the hell am I awake" (creds to vine fiveguysvining)
All I want is for him to like me back.
But I want him to be happy with the girl he likes.
Honestly, I don't know if I have any hope left..
One day, a little boy was walking home from school. His mother probably passed out on the couch again. He was grabbed and stuffed into the back of a van. He was beaten and killed. Protect against child abuse.
Shortest joke ever:
Two women were sitting quietly..