
Joined: May 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 171290

Quotes by xococo

Although I've been hurt,
I still remain strong.
You think I have regrets?
Well.. looks like you're wrong.

Being real

is like being a lady.

If you have to tell people you are,

you aren't.


keep looking my way, my head is held high. wanna bring me down? i dare you to try/

hated by many
wanted by plenty
disliked by some
confronted by NONE

done with your lies,
done with your drama;
when you're ready to be real,
gimme a hollla ;D
this one's for the girls;

who've ever had a broken heart,

who've wished upon a shooting star,    ***    
you're beautiful the way you are,

this one's for the girls;

She  thinks  i’m  psyco  ‘cause  i  like  to  rhyme her  name  with  things .

 you’re the kind of bad boy that should send me runnin’
but i kinda know that i won’t get far