
Joined: October 22, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 230035
About Me

Goodbye Witty...<3

Quotes by xocrayon

Dear Witty,

2011-10-22 21:54:11. at that exact time, I clicked

create account. not even a year ago, but I'm

already saying good bye. I met some people on here,

who I now call my friend. I saw some beautiful things happen,

such as lives being saved. I saw innocent lives, taken by

a cruel thing called cancer. I saw innocent lives taken by

themselves. I saw innocent lives taken by just the

way of God, and usually a little too young.

But... to kill yourself...No one, ever should feel

that upset to take their own life. Life is a precious thing,

and should be looked at as a gift. Remember, God

didn't forget to wake you up this morning. 

But my time on Witty, I also some things on here that I regret seeing.

B u l l y i n g.  That killed me. I will never understand how

someone could sit infront of their computer screen,

and say to someone, "kill yourself". I will never get

that. We are all God's children. I don't see how people

put down each other, without feeling an bit of regret...

On Witty, I learned some amazing things, that I will

carry on with me for the rest of my life. I learned that

we are all beautiful and that society is the one that's

f-cked. Not you. But most of all, I learned that no matter

how hard it gets, and how painful life may be at the moment,

it will get better. I promise. So... Never give up  beautiful, you're

amazing, and deserve to live an amazing life.

I love you Wittians, every single one of you handsome and beautiful

men and women, boys and girls, no matter what you think of yourself.

Remember, Never Give Up.

Just finshed watching Stay Strong...
favorite this for Demi.<3
Stay Stong Demi, we believe in you.
Me: *sick*
*looks at me*
Mom: You know, you kinda look like sh*t.

Me: Thanks mom, love you too.


And last night,
My mom sat me down, held my hands, and with the gentlest, most motherly

expression on her face, told me, "Honey, if you ever come home pregnant,

I'll kill you and the baby." MLIA

I forgave you a long time ago...

but your heart is filled with lies. Lies she told you, and I'm sorry.

I miss you. I miss how we could laugh, when the world was dying

around us. I miss how you cared, and the smiles- god I miss your smile.

I'm sorry we fell apart, sorry that we died. I tried to save it but it just

slipped out of my hands... I forgive myself and you, I guess I'm

just waiting for you to

Forgive yourself.

Electric blanket +

Heater +

2nd Heater +

Fuzzy Pajamas +
Thermal Sweatshirt +

2 Blankets =

One Freezing Little Girl (me)

...only me?

I need some new songs...
any ideas?



forgeterr's signature format. Please don't remove credit. Or I will hunt you down. You do NOT want to get on my bad side.
Wanna know why they have glow in the dark condoms?
So gay guys can play Star Wars. nmf

If you haven't learned by now,

i'm one of a kind.

and when I'm not with you, my mind always makes up these ridiculous
stories... I guess it just scares me that I might not be the only girl on your mind.