
Joined: April 1, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 72104
So they call me Gabby, or Brie around here, and I'm 13 years old. I live in the wonderful state of Connecticut in a house. I also have another hose in Connecticut, Martha's Vineyard, and in the Hamptons, NY. When I'm not procastinationing on my homework by visiting this site, I'm playing Lacrosse, modeling / acting, cheerleading, or doing Ballet. But most times I'm shopping and chilling with friends. I love, love, reading and writing (yupp that's me the big old dork.), and I lovee Witty.  <3

Love it;;
. Music (As you can see most of my quotes are from my fave songs!)
. Friends
. Ballet
. Lacrosse
. Family.. sometimes lol.
. Peanut Butter Cups / Gummy Worms
. My pets
. Laughing
. Movies
. Fadees!
. Other random stuff =]

Hate it;;
. Posers
. Fakes
. Jockers
. Soccer
. Stupid Boys ;]
. Lettuce

Jocker Attack!
[ No names yet, so don't let me find you. ]
[ I guess if you really like my stuff, you could send me a request, I'll try my best to get it back fast. ]

Quote Comments by xodudeitsgabby

xodudeitsgabby 1 decade ago on quote #929696
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you just took the words out of my mouth.
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