
Joined: July 24, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 83849

soccer is life!<33
storm strikers foreverr :)

 i love my friends and family. alwayss there for mee!

thattss mee :)


Quotes by xoharry_potter_fanaticxo

the nights we stayed up all night talking, all the memories, all the laughs,
i guess they mean nothing to you, considering how easy it was
 for you to turn around and stab me in the back,
turns out you were never a real friend to me,
let's hope its clear that this friendship
is beyond over.




have a good life biitch,
you wont hear from me again(:
-----venting </3



the nights we stayed up all night talking, all the memories, all the laughs,
i guess they mean nothing to you, considering how easy it was
 for you to turn around and stab me in the back,
turns out you were never a real friend to me,
let's hope its clear that this friendship
is beyond over.




have a good life biitch,
you wont hear from me again(:
-----venting </3



 .& a friend would see you crying
and ask whats wrong,
but a best friend would take one look at your face
and know whats wrong. <33

:) lovve my bessties


----> & im the kindda girl who
rides her bike and puts on her "blinker"
to makke a turn, and have a guy wave
at her with a weird look on his facce.
Then we speed of cracking up, leaving
a very confused guy behind. <----

*true storry (: haha
soo funny <33

----> & how many timmes has
taylor swift helped you
through a heart break.</3<----

*ratte/comment if you
love taylore swift :)

i knoww i do <333

----> boy, i didnt fall for you,
you tripped me,   
and can you move over
cause your friend is hott<----

*saww it on my friendss proffile (:
thought it was funnny




-----> & me and my friends
are the freaks that see a hot guy att the pool
and start stalking him.

we see him flirting with the life guard,
and get very mad. we think abouut trying to fake drown,
forcing her to make him give us mouth   to mouth..

& when he turns around to stare att us for following him around,
we start cracking up

(: i lovve my besst friends
   ------> why is everryone in such a rush to fall in lovve<------

whatt if you are happy with the wayy things arrre....
hanging out with friends.

scoping out the hot guys.

------> just having fun in life, instead of having a broken heart <------

*ventingg. nott sure if its anyonnes.
take credit if it is.

*sorry one of my first ones..not that good (:

A friend would bail you out of jail

but a best friend would be the one sitting next you,

yelling, that was freaking awessome.

best friends are sissters.

*credit to everryone who has madde this quotte (: