
Joined: December 13, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 60259
hello =) my name is  amanda
& i enjow making quotes.
hope you like them <3 

Quotes by xomeanymandersxo

and sometimes
i feel like i just don't matter
nothing i do will make me feel important,
i will never feel special.

and just when you think
everything is going good,
that it could never get bettter,
something bad happens
that breaks your heart

&+ for all the times that I trusted you,
for all the times I believed
they were all

& I regret every minute of it.
You're not that great,

you're only a guy. So don't lead me on, especially if it's a
. So leave me alone like you've always done because
hurt me too much to be the right one. </3
don't always
believe in the one falling for you
bc u might be part of his game.
& to thing that it was only a bet
love isnt meant to be gambled with
& sometimes
i feel like i just dont matter anymore

its amazing
how a person can change
once someone else walks in..
best friends;;;
a eleven letter word you cant go
 eleven minutes 
w i t h o u t.

credit to-lilhcogurl22
it's not about
being who everyone else
wants you to be
it's about being yourself
& finding someone who
loves every bit of it

credit to -swim4life_4