
Joined: June 27, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 51210

Quotes by xoxjen2896

Name Given at Birth: Jennifer
What do your friends call you: Jen,Jenny,jennifuh
What you do when your mad: Uhh, be madd!
Favorite holiday and why: Christmas..persents!
Ever won anything:(if so name it) naah...im a loser
What you do on rainy days: go out somewhere
Cat or dog person: dogs!
Coffee or Tea: tea
Radio or Ipod: Ipod!!!
Best teacher you've ever had: ms. scheinler...3rd grade!
Best Beverage: Mocachino!!!
Vegetarian or Meatatarian: meatatarian
I would love to try: i dee kay
Best commercial: the motion sensor samsung commercial
Secretkeeper or Blabbermouth: Seceratekeper!
What makes you crazy: ummm some bball teams!
Favorite kind of cookie: choco chip
Best little kid movie: Mulan!
Ice cream flavor:cookies and cream
Reality or Sitcom: both
Big Mac or Whopper: both!
Believe in love at 1st sight: yeuup

Don't You Hate It When...
You're Having A Really Important Conversation And Your Phone Dies?
SUMmeOh EiGhT!