
Joined: June 24, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 311655
Hello gorgeous!
The name's Kira. 14. I'm just a crazy girl living in a crazy world, like most of you out there. Music is my life, my soul and my drug. I like pretty much anything. And when I say anything I mean anything and everything. I'm just your average girl who loves sparkels, colorful things, clothes, dancing in the rain, summer, swimming, sleeping in,  Tumblr, music, facebook, witty, and well.. the internet in general.Taken by the best boyfriend in the world Hunterrrrr :* 7 months so far, and hopefully much longer. Annnywwhoooo, so a follow for a follow? I'd love to get to know some people on here. So don't be shy, talk to me!
You are beautiful, no matter what they say. And don't you forget it. <3

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