
Joined: April 4, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 72346

Quotes by xoxsam37xox

&+ isnt it great

to say iloveyoutoo

because it means

someone loves you

credit too me[: NO JOCKING !

&& those two boys are sitting behind me in math. <3
boy 1: ok were done wit math problems,lets workon your social problems now.
boy 2: what social problems?
boy 1: you no, her, how you broke up with her, and stabbed her right in the
boy 2: ooh, her. HAHA
boy1: how did you elude the cops?
boy 2: what?
boy 1: well,you stabbed her, and broke her heart soo how come you didnt go to jail?
boy 2: ooh well-
me: IM RIGHT HERE!!!!! 

this really happened...boy 2 is obviously my ex bf</3...and elude is a vocab word...ahha