
Joined: April 16, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 165790
credit  to _RandomRequests

                                 Hi I'm shana(: Follow me please!

I'm Shana;
Im 13 going on 14 and I love cheering and soccer(:
I'm kind of addicted to Witty and love to read funny quotes.
Comment on my profile; I don't bite(:
My quotes are a mix of funny and serious;
My goal is to get a quote to 100 favs. So the more advice I get the better!
Comment on my quotes and fav. them PLEASE!
Image 7 of 8

Quotes by xwildcatcheerx

Refreshing your page every 10 seconds to see if your quote got another fav.

Fav. if your always the last one
awake at a sleepover

I'm done;

Caring about people who don't give a crap about me.

I'm still waiting for the episode when
Phineas and Ferb go back to school
Just one of my better talents
Fav. if you think
Witty should really have notifications
I'm sick of everyone caring about popularity;
Why can't we just care about each other?

Feeling like a beast when your quote gets 20 favs

Feeling overwhelmed when your texting more than 2 people

Starting to panic when you see
"Sorry, wrong username or pass word"
after you try to log onto your account

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