
Joined: February 17, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 67587

Quotes by xxdancexx865

<div style="background-color: black;">
when the
104 days of summer vacation
end on 
phineasandferb <3
/isn't it funny how/
everyone used to love >>Edward Cullen <<
but ever since Taylor Lautner<3  took off his shirt
in New Moon everyone fell in love with
type here&who ever decided; 
              when teen love could become real love?
"If you Are trying To win Her over;
you might not wanna treat her like that"
"I'm not Trying to Win her Over"

"Then don't Lead her On"

Step Up 2<333

             The other day i was on facebook
                 looking at my sister's pictures;
                                     I came across a photo album titled -Green Leaf-that was titled
     I figured the title had some significant reason;
                         I asked my sister what the title meant and she told me 
                        She has seen a green leaf outside the window right before 
                        She made the album and randomly decided to name it that
                       I was dissapointed.


&they talked all night
about that one special person
not willing to admit
 they were thinking of eachother
because they weren't willing to risk

their friendship

&&+tDon't you hate it;
when you are just about to get over that one guy that you have
been trying to get over for months;
but then you see him and [fall in love] all over again

type here
Today, i was reading stories on MLIA and i saw that every story starts with "Today".
I wrote about something that happenedyesterday;
but i still used "Today". It made me feel sneaky
-MLIA :)
&&+ I'm not even a teenager yet;
but I'm afraid to become one because
my life is already falling apart so
  what will happen next?
I'm done;
i give up trying to impress him
im done watching him flirt with other girls

i can't take the pain he's cost me
i am going to forgive but i will never