
Joined: December 6, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 95353

(im natalie but you can call me nat if you want i guess..im 14 years old&im in 9th grade. my birthdayy is on januaryy 2ndd:) i live in massachusetts! sports are my life! im a softball player, a hockey player, a basketball player, and a dancer:) with all those sports and homework&hanging out with friends, i have pretty much no free time...but i always find time for witty&tumblr! i go to 4-H camp over the summer and i love it with all my heart<3 so yeah get to know me;) i dare youu!)

the best friends a girl could ask  for<3
 lauren<3 tatiana<3 julia<3 jessie<3 adrena<3 lauren<3 ariel<3 kara<3 rachel<3 shane:D cristian:D cam:D derek:D jason:D tyler:D danny:D andrew:D jake:D mike:D chris:D chris:D matt:D lorenzo:D zack:D &way moree:)

Love is not all about;                             
the butterflies,  the hugs,   the kisses,  the late night
phone  calls, or how long you've known  someone.

Love is when you would give your life to save theirs,
                         even if they wouldn't for you.

i love you<3 even though you dont know it

Somewhere behind the coaches who've pushed you
and the teammates who've encouraged you
is a little girl who fell in love with the sport,

softball player for life<3 since kindergarten;)


Quotes by xyouxmakexmexsmile14

lol tumblr is so much better than witty
who wants to be my frieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend!?!??!?!?:D
woah i haven't been on here in forever...hahah hi!
follow me on tumblr:)
Do you like a guy?
If the answer is no, don't even bother with this.

What color is his hair: blackkishhh
What style is it: shortt
What color eyes: idkk:/
Cute smile: adorrablee<333
Braces: nopess
Glasses: nahhh
Abs:  maybe?
Height:like 5 feet something??
What grade is he in: 8thh
How did you meet him: he was in my cluster in 6th grade:)
How long have you known him:  likee 3 years
Would you consider him your friend: noo:/
Would he consider you his friend: probs not:(
If you asked him for a hug, would he give you one: i hope so:)
Does he play any sports: the only one i know for sure is hockey<3
Can he play the guitar: dontthinkso
What about any other musical instruments: probs not
Last thing he said to you: well we dont talk much so idk:(
Do you guys ever text: dont know his number:/
How about AIM: arent very good friends..so no:(
Facebook chat: he doesnt have a facebook
Last time you were on his Facebook profile:he doesnt have one
 Have you "liked" his profile picture: he doesnt have a facebook:(
Has he ever commented on any of your photos:same answer as before
Has he ever written on your wall: same answer as like the last 5
Describe something he would wear on a typical day: jeans or sweatpants&a t shirt
What's your favorite thing you've seen him wear: everything:)
Least favorite thing: nothing<3

Do you think that he likes you back:probs not...but i wishh:P
Do your friends know that you like him: only a few..lauren tatiana&courtney
Do any of your teachers know that you like him: uhm no?
do your parents know that you like him:nahh
do they know he exists: i think
Do they know that you like him: naahh
Do you think they would like him if you were dating him: probs:)
Have you met his parents: nahh
What would you do if he read this survey: of course not:)
&sorry im not perfect</3
yeaah. im from new england! &i say wicked:) &im WICKED proud of it;)
10 daaay chaalleengee!:)
Day 6;5 people who mean a lot to me(in no special order).

2) kelsey<33
3) alaina<3
4) kathleen<33
5) courtney<3
6) lauren<33

(i know i did 6....hahaha i had too though cuz i couldnt just leave one out!)