
Joined: June 6, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 9277

Quotes by yankeebaby143

"Everyday you wait is another day you can never get back"
-One Tree Hill
I knew forever was in your eyes the moment I saw you cry <3
Here I am unseen
You look through me unaffected
So stand beside me and dont deny me and help me find my way
All alone I stand looking in at your world
So hold me break me mold me make me fit where I belong
When all Im trying to find is right before my eyes
Here I am
Im waiting here for you
Here I am
Take my hand
Ive lived all the pain that youre fighting
So stand beside me and dont deny me
I'll help you find the way when all you need to find is right before your eyes
Here I am

--Brook Lynn Ashton (Performed by Adrianne Leon) General Hospital
You are the reason I go to sleep
Every night
And the reason I wake up
Every morning