
Joined: November 18, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 240071
hello lovelys.
my name is sarah. i am 14 years old. my birthday is on march 12. i am completely loving life. and for once, i like school. i love my friends. i would be lost without them. i can count on them for anything i need. and then there is my best friend. . . i love her to death. i would do anything for her.  we have been friends for literally forever. we do everything together. if any one of you ladies ever needs someone to talk to,,,, i am here. always.

sarah isabell(:

Quotes by youaremysunshine97

that's what you get when you let your heart win.

I'm worthy
enough, beuatiful
enough, and
I don't need
anything else
to feel whole.

-Demi Lavato

To be loved, to be loved
What more could you ask for?




Hey, can i confess something to you?
Hii, yeah sure.
Your smile is the prettiest smile I've ever seen.
But can I say something to?
Yeah, go ahead.
My smile only exists when I'm with you.


Lizzie and Gordo were always meant to be together ♥

 My name's ________
from ____________________ and
you're watching Disney Channel!
*draws Mickey Mouse outline*



When you love someone . . .
& they break your heart,

don't give up on love
                have faith restart
 Seeing someone your friend hates and going
"hey, there's your best friend!. . ."
1. Spend Less Time Worrying
    About What Others Say

                                                    2. Say YES More Often
      3. Listen To That Little Voice Inside

      4. Do My Best