Inspirational Quote #1167770
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Amazing-Chain-Letter-Friendship-Helping-Quiz Name One Best Friend-


Name One Best Friend- Taylor
Are they always nice to you? Usually

Did you answer definate Yes to the last question? nah.

Why did you choose this friend? she's amazing.

Is this your very best friend over all? yessir.

Do you hang out alot?  all the time

Do you think this person feels the same way about you that you do about them? yupp.

Please explain your answer to the last question. she told me.?

When was the last time you hung out with this person alone? few days ago.

Are you re-thinking the answers you wrote? uh no.

Do you feel that you should go out and make changes with this best friend after going over this test? wtff no.

If so, will these changes be for the better or the worse? i said no.

Was this test helpful? not at all. (:

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posted November 3, 2009 at 10:45am UTC tagged with inspirational

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