School Quote #145545
all quotes · school ·

in the beginning of the year, you couldnt wait to graduate people

in the beginning of the year, you couldnt wait to graduate people were changing cliques starting to form, you never knew what people were saying behind your back. But since its the end of the year, you realize, none of that matters, it doesnt matter how many people you've been mean to, talked about, lost friends, it all doesnt matter. What matters is to share as much memories as you can before you cant do it again, because after this, everyone goes on their seperate roads. Dont worry about what happened, let it all go in the past and cherish what you have before time runs out, since your life is clock and things go by and you cant worry about every little thing that happened.

dedicated to the class of 06*

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posted May 26, 2006 at 6:43am UTC tagged with school

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