Surveys Quote #1914941
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Confessions; Day three. Hmm, I don't really even know what

Confessions; Day three.
Hmm, I don't really even know what my religion is. I am kinda doubting the existence of God right now. I think that if God was real, he would be more loving and accepting. He wouldn't banish homosexuals to hell unless they "repented." I am also against the Catholic church's belief that no woman should have an abortion, even if it is to save her own life. Plus, the Catholic church doesn't respect women as much as they do men. I also don't believe a lot of stories in the Bible. How can a man part a sea, and how can a woman be made out of a rib? It's just not possible. That's just my two-cents. Comment on what your beliefs are I guess? Yeah.

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posted October 9, 2010 at 10:00pm UTC tagged with surveys

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