Surveys Quote #3157919
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Can you name 13 boys off the top of your head? 1. Kevin 2. Kelson

Can you name 13 boys off the top of your head?

1. Kevin
2. Kelson
3. Crosby
4. Ramsey
5. AC
6. Kory
7. Johnny
9. David
10. Evan
12. Logan
13. Mason

How did you meet number 10?
At a bowling place with David

Have you ever seen number 4 cry?


Would 11 and 2 make a good couple?
um they are guys that like girls, so no

Are you good friends with 13?
Use to be, still are kinda

Something about 1?

I love him, hes never coming back and he wont even give me the time of day

How did you meet number 12?
One day when I went over to Jordans house and he came over to wax his snowboard

Whats 7's fav color?

What would you do if 6 confessed that they like you?
I would be sooo happy!!!<3

Whats the worst thing about 5?
He always wears the same clothes like everyday, come on man get some style

Fact about 9?
He's hella funny and he has a box he carrys around with him

Would you ever live with 8?
Hell yeah!

Is 2 single?
Yes he is, but i wish he was mine <3

Where does 7 live?
Down the street from me.

What do you think about 2?

He's my first love and always will have that place my heart

Whos 11 going out with?

What do you think about 3?
He has the biggest mood swings ever! 

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posted June 28, 2011 at 2:11am UTC tagged with surveys

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