Surveys Quote #3471157
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Ten Day Challenge. Day one: 10 things I want to say to ten people

Ten Day Challenge.
Day one: 10 things I want to say to ten people
Day two: 9 things about myself
Day three: 8 ways to win my heart
Day four: 7 things that cross my mind a lot
Day five: 6 things I wish I never did
Day six: 5 things I love and why
Day seven: 4 turn offs
Day eight: 3 turn
Day nine: 2 words that describe my life and why
Day ten: 1 confession
Day One ;
1. Your my other half & I love everything about you ♥
2. Your one of the few people that I trust & I am always here for you baby girl.

3. I think you should quit acting like you know everything and be yourself.
4. We were best friends & you back stabbed me & i don't want anything to do with you.
5. I fell in love with our friendship, & hopefully one day well be together again ♥

6. Your my Californian buddy & I love you, you always know how to make me smile!
7. Your the first person I ever loved, and then you cheated >;o
 8. Even though you live in another state I am always her for you sis ♥

9. You haven't been there since I was a child, and at first I didn't understand but you showed me that I don't need my mom.
10. Your super sweet, and kind I'm glad were friends.

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posted August 5, 2011 at 5:43am UTC tagged with surveys

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